Print & Other

DBSNE Various

Created: Various pieces over the years

I have a plethora of work that has been completed of the years for Direct Business Solutions.

This includes elements like the design of Industrion, a piece of software that ended up becoming a mammoth task which also required the construction of several other mini software’s. My job here was to work alongside our software department on UI/UX and usability.

Other less specific examples include: branding new brochures, brand guides, smaller websites, videos, in house training and information booklets.


Billboard Advertising

Created: Billboard designs for a DBSNE campaign

This was project completed for my fulltime employment. We were looking to start a campaign focused around brand awareness. The idea of the prey vs predator seemed like an appealing idea to me and as such I ran with it for the designs. These are currently represented as Mock-ups, this is because the actual campaign is not launched until August.


Duchy Hockey Club

Created: Various works

In my spare time I play hockey for Duchy Hockey Club. Since joining I have designed little pieces here and there for the club when needed. This includes posters, brochures etc. I have also set up the Duchy Shop. This can be found on my portfolio and is a way for the club to generate a little income through custom designed pieces.


Motion Graphics


UI/UX & Web